Wednesday, June 21, 2006


So, i just thought id write about a few of the cultural differances that Ive noticed so far. One of the first you notice is that you dont shake hands with people, this might sound simple, but western culture spends your whole life teaching you to do it. My hand still shoots out there on a regular basis, fortunatly most college students know that i am just a farang and the just assume i dont know any better and they shake my hand.

This brings me to the second cultural differance, Thai's will do just about anything to keep from embarasing you. For example Nat, a this student from last year swung by the grapevine while we were in a meeting. Greg introduced him to us by the wrong name, not only did Nat not correct him, when Greg realized his mistake and tried to appoligize for it later in the day, Nat refused to admit that Greg had even intruduced him improperly.

And while were talking about Nat, i can bring up the next real differance i have noticed. Bacicaly any invataion to do anything is also an open invataion to bring people along as well. For example tonight Prim had invitied us to meet him for dinner at a resturaunt in the mall. Naturaly trying to be Thai we start inviting people along as well. One of the additional people we invited was Nat, who also brought along 3 more friends. A perfectly acceptable social practice. It takes some getting used to going just about everywhere in groups but it is definatly a great way to meet a ton of people.

Lastly some things that are very rude here seem quite obscure from an american standpoint, and things that would seem rude to us are quite normal here. For example it is considerd very rude to ever point the soles of your feet at anyone. And you should never touch another persons head. The feet art dirty and the head is sacred. On the other hand however it is not at all rude to tell someone that they look fat or to ask about weight.

Well its 2 am and i have to get up to go exploring tomorow. Sorry this ones not at all editede, but im Out.


Blogger jmpingspyder said...

The Whai is the closeest thing that the Thais have to a handshake. But it is more a sign of respect used to elders, it is not used among peers or to anyone younger than you. It it a shallow bow/nod with your palms together down by your chin with you fingers coming up by your nose.

4:41 AM  

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